CAS blog: instructions

CAS blogs seeks to faciliate discussion on critical approaches to Arctic research. They share ideas, suggestions and experiences of doing critically oriented research and studies in the Arctic.

There is no set structure nor any certain style for a CAS blog. Most importantly, CAS blogs should be written in a constructive, professional and academic way. A blog is a relatively short, concise text. When writing, think of your audience. They are academics in different countries, with different backgrounds and at different stages of their academic careers. A catchy title, short paragraphs, informative sub-headings, a nice flow of the text and photos etc. (used with permission) all make your blog more attractive. References should be kept minimal with a list of references at the end.

Each submitted blog text will be curated before publishing, and revisions may be suggested before publishing by the blog master. The blog will be linked to different social media sites of the CAS UArctic thematic network and partner institutes. 

For more information, contact the CAS blog master Sanna Kopra (sanna.kopra @