The Second CAS roundtable and research clinic: “Critical Arctic studies: a theory, a method, a perspective – or something else?”

After the great success and positive feedback from participants the second CAS roundtable and research clinic will be held online on Tuesday 27 February 2024 at 17.00-19.30 Finnish time, EET (Eastern European Time, UTC + 2):

The first part of the event is a roundtable (one hour). The topic will be discussed by panelists from the UArctic CAS thematic network representing different fields of expertise and experiences in critical arctic research: Page Wilson (University of Iceland), Emilie Cameron (Carleton University) and Özlem Terzi (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam). The roundtable concludes with a general discussion.

The event continues with a research clinic (appr. one hour). It is an opportunity for doctoral candidates to present questions on the potential of critical approaches to benefit their own research. Participation is limited to five students and requires registration in advance. Each participant is expected to send basic information about their research and a question about critical approaches (max. one page) to the organizer. In the clinic, members of the UArctic CAS thematic network will give ideas and advice how to use critical approaches in Arctic research.

If you would like to participate in the roundtable or the clinic (or both), please find the instructions below:

  • To participate in the roundtable, pls send a message to Monica Tennberg ( by 20 Feb to receive a link to the event.
  • To participate in the research clinic, pls send a message to Monica Tennberg ( by 20 Feb to receive a link to the event. Remember to include in your message a one pager containing basic information about your research project and your question.

The event is organized by the UArctic thematic network Critical Arctic Studies CAS.

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